Friday, April 29, 2011


Through the course of this class our instructor has created a creative way in getting his students to educate themselves in the world of politics and our National Government. On that note, who is implementing our college curriculum? Who decides what we “must” learn in order to achieve a “degree”? Who is providing the information for the curriculum? Why is it that every year almost every teacher is required to choose an “updated 28th edition” book for the class? Why is it that we must achieve a degree in order to find a decent job with benefits? How much debt will I be in after receiving my degree? How much money does the government invest in student loans? How can a piece of paper allow my future employer know I am qualified in the area I am applying for? Why do employers trust degrees from colleges? Do teachers need to make a quota to pass their students? What hand does the Government play with in colleges? Does the Government have a hand in colleges? Do colleges have to file their taxes? Do individual colleges profit off students? What are Colleges goals for its students? Why do I feel intimidated to achieve a degree in order live in America’s standards? Can I achieve knowledge with out obtaining a degree? How has achieving a college degree evolved? How does one achieve a degree? Where does the information one learns from college come from? How has our Government been shaped by college students?

Friday, April 15, 2011

Cutting Education's Funding

In one of my colleague’s posts, Raymond brings up the question to his middle school students, “ Is it a good idea to cut education spending. “ To my surprise all of them agreed it was a bad idea and it shouldn’t happen. It makes me happy to know that kids, our future, can all agree on this. I think it is hard enough in what our teachers must accomplish in the classroom and to take away resources and put more kids in the classroom with less teachers is just absurd. Along with Raymond and his students , I agree that cutting funds for our future generations is a bad idea! In Raymond’s words, “ please keep your carving knives out of our public schools.“

Friday, April 1, 2011

Who's controlling this monopoly? Certainly not the banks!

I believe the U.S. National Government is not setting a good example for future generations by bailing out industries that “are essential to keep our country operating”. If you have ever played monopoly, the objective is to accumulate most of the property on the board so you have a steady income. As the game continues, things happen, and sometimes you have to mortgage your property to the bank or straight up sell some property to an opponent. When the roll of the dice has changed you slowly get knocked out of the game. Now, what’s going on here in America is our government has decided to change the game up. They made the choice to give money to failing companies under the notion that if these corporations were to fail, which they already are, would cripple the economy and America. So the same people who’s “roll of the dice isn’t working for them” are still operating and managing the still failing corporation just with more money. Our government is teaching future generations that if you start a corporation and it is successful for X amount of time and is being used by everyone in society and if it starts to fail… DON’T WORRY. Every citizen who pays taxes will help you out with out their consent because the government will just give you money since your so essential to our nation. When you change the game to make things easier you will find that the end is much more devastating than if you had not bent the rules. And so the never-ending game continues... with new rules and bailouts.